Programação do Otto com Scratch e com mBlock
- Download mBlock software: http://www.mblock.cc/
- Install mBlock Extension for OttoDIY: https://github.com/stembotvn/OttoDIY_mBlock_Extension
- See demo video for installation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPDUmW9uHto&t=59s
Ambiente de programação OTTO em Scratch
Otto School: https://ottoschool.com/
scratch/ -
Link da live sobre o novo scratch para o Otto com Inteligência Artificial ocorrido em 20 fev 2021, Jorge Gonzalez apresentou o novo Scratch do México: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=qQqsh9IfvHM -
Tutoriais Scratch Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/
Controle o Otto com o Zowi App (só para Android) via Bluetooth
- Zowi App is a great app for Otto learning especially suitable for +5 years old kids
- Zowi App is develop for Zowi Robot (an perfect mixing with Otto) from BQ: https://www.bq.com/en/zowi
- Install App on Android Phone (Search Zowi app in CHPlay): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bq.zowi&hl=en
- Upload firmware on Arduino IDE: "Examples/otto/HC06_BT_config" to configure the Bluetooth HC06 module for compatible with Zowi App https://github.com/stembotvn/OttoDIY_Vbot/tree/master/examples/HC06_BT_config
- Upload firmware on Arduino IDE: "Examples/otto/Otto_BT_ZowiAPP.ino for enjoy Zowi App with your Otto.
- For experience with Zowi App, refer here: http://zowi.bq.com/en/parents-teachers/
- Pairing the Bluetooth Module with Android device, the name of module will be "Zowi", Passcode is 1234
- in Zowi App, the App will Search, detect and connect the Robot.